Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Info 365Life

A huge tunnel was discovered in a mysterious tomb! “This is a true engineering marvel”


In the depths of the ancient ruins of the city of Taposiris Magna, archaeologists have recently discovered an impressive tunnel which, due to its extraordinary dimensions and architectural features, has been called a “geometrical wonder”.
Kathleen Martinez of the University of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, along with her colleagues, found this structure during an archaeological excavation of the temple that is still ongoing.

The two-meter-high tunnel stretches an incredible 1,305 meters through sandstone, 13 meters below the earth’s surface.

According to the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the design of this tunnel is reminiscent of the Eupalinos Tunnel, an aqueduct from the 6th century BC. on the island of Samos, which is considered an engineering marvel.

This similarity indicates a high degree of expertise in the construction of the Taposiris Magna tunnel. Despite its impressive dimensions and structure, the purpose of this tunnel remains unknown for now, and parts are submerged in water.

A dedication to the gods?

Archaeologist Kathleen Martinez dedicated her life to finding Cleopatra
Martinez, who has been working at the Taposiris Magna site since 2004 in search of Cleopatra VII’s tomb, believes this tunnel could be a key clue in their research.

Temple of Taposiris Magna, founded around 280 BC. by Ptolemy II, was probably dedicated to the god Osiris and his queen, the goddess Isis.

Artifacts found, such as figurines of Isis and coins with figures of Cleopatra and Alexander the Great, suggest that this temple played an important role in the culture and beliefs of the time.

Future archaeological activities are planned to explore the Mediterranean area nearby.

Earthquakes between 320 and 1303 caused part of the temple to collapse and sink into the sea. Previous excavations have revealed a network of tunnels stretching from Lake Mariout to the Mediterranean Sea.

Discoveries in the tunnel already include some treasures such as rectangular limestone blocks and pottery fragments.

These new discoveries, including the tunnel, could provide crucial insights into the past of this historic site and even lead to the discovery of the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony, which would be one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 21st century.

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