Monday, July 8, 2024

The first ban on spreading chemicals into the atmosphere is coming “You have succumbed to a conspiracy theory”


The well-known conspiracy theory about chemtrails received a lot of public attention after the Senate of the US state of Tennessee passed a law targeting this baseless idea.
Namely, the law prohibits “intentional injection, release or dispersion, in any way, of chemicals, chemical compounds and substances”.

The proposal passed the Senate with a Republican majority and will now be considered in the House of Representatives, also controlled by Republicans, before being considered by the governor, who is also a Republican.

Similar legislation is planned to be passed in Pennsylvania. The Tennessee law, initiated by Republican Steve Southerland, does not use the term “hemotracers.” However, it mentions “intentional release of chemicals into the atmosphere”.

Nonsensical law

Proponents of the discredited idea of “chemtrails” believe that the cloudy white lines created by aircraft emissions are actually chemicals being released into the atmosphere. The idea is for the government or secret private organizations to release toxic chemicals, with purposes ranging from manipulating the weather to controlling the minds of the population.

“There is no such thing as chemtrails,” claims Alan Robock, professor of climate science at Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA) and continues:

“When you look up in the sky, sometimes you see contrails of airplanes – contrails – and they consist only of water. It’s the same thing that happens in winter when you exhale and see a little cloud in front of your mouth. It’s a mix of warm and humid with cold and dry air.”
Numerous debunking claims about “chemtrails” have failed to silence those who fear condensation in the jet. A 2019 YouGov/Statista poll found that 8% of Americans “strongly believe” that “the government uses chemicals for population control” and another 11% “somewhat believe” the theory.

“There is no evidence that anyone injected chemicals into the planes. If it’s a huge government conspiracy, do you think no one would tell?” Robock asks.
Another argument against the bill is that legislation to clean up Tennessee’s skies is practically useless, given that politicians can’t control the skies and the wind.

“It won’t make any difference either way.” How could they even implement that? What if someone made a chemical trail in Kentucky and it crossed into Tennessee? What would you do then?” Robock adds.

What exactly was agreed?
Proponents of the “chemtrails” theory often post photos of the chemtrails on the Internet and describe their “strange spread and disappearance,” claiming that various heavy metals that are intentionally released can be found in soil samples from areas where planes fly over. has something to do with it.

Furthermore, they argue that in spring, autumn and especially in summer at an altitude of less than 7000 m, tracks should not last long, and sometimes should not form at all, because they consider that in these conditions the temperature is not low enough. to create ordinary tracks that require a temperature lower than –40°C. They also dispute the height above 10,000 m, because they believe that ice crystals should not form due to the strong rays of the Sun.

But scientists interpret that chemtrails, in the form of long white lines in the sky, are actually visible condensed water vapor that forms behind the exhaust gases of jet engines.

They most often occur when flying at an altitude above 8000 m, where the air temperature is lower than -40°C. When the hot exhaust jet cools, a cloud of tiny water droplets forms behind the aircraft. If the surrounding air is cold enough, the track will consist of tiny ice crystals.

Depending on atmospheric conditions, especially humidity, contrails can be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, although they can last for several hours.

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