Monday, July 8, 2024

APPARENTLY SEEMS CARELESS, BUT… | Six key symptoms of chronic vitamin C deficiency: If you ignore them, nasty problems can arise


Vitamin C plays a very important role in the body: it is necessary in the synthesis of collagen; it helps the body’s defense system by stimulating the activity of white blood cells and increasing interferon levels, antibody response and thymic hormone secretion.

Furthermore, vitamin C helps the absorption of iron and thus the formation of red blood cells; converts folic acid into an active form; it acts as an antihistamine and thus can help relieve allergy symptoms. Vitamin C deficiency can significantly impair your quality of life, so don’t ignore these symptoms.

Statistics say that about seven percent of women and ten percent of men often struggle with vitamin C deficiency.

1. Fatigue

If you often feel weak and apathetic, it is possible that your body is chronically lacking in vitamin C. To begin with, take a blood test to get an insight into the state of your body.

2. Bleeding gums

Numerous studies have shown that people with low levels of vitamin C in the body are more susceptible to the risk of bleeding gums. Be sure to visit a dentist, but also increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin C.

3. Bruises

Since vitamin C promotes blood clotting and strengthens tissue, its deficiency will cause bruising from even the most accidental blow. Just remember how many times you accidentally hit yourself with a stick and got bruises within minutes.

4. Wounds that heal slowly

Various studies have proven that more than half of the patients who used high doses of vitamin C recovered faster after surgery than those who did not take any supplements.

5. Pain in the joints

Collagen helps in the production of vitamin C, and when the body lacks it, you will definitely feel pain in your knees or hips. Joint pain is almost a sure sign, after which you can immediately suspect vitamin C deficiency.

6. Skin problems

Bruises, skin spots, dry skin and cracks at the corners of the lips are just some of the visible skin changes that occur due to a lack of vitamin C in your body.

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