Saturday, June 29, 2024

3.000 denars will be provided from the City of Skopje to socially vulnerable individuals affected by the energy crisis


The City of Skopje has planned a budget of 15 million denars.

According to the proposed decision, the city of Skopje will provide 3.000 denars to socially vulnerable individuals affected by the energy crisis.

“One of the main priorities of the Program of Activities of the City of Skopje in the field of social, child and health protection is the realization of social care and protection of citizens from socially vulnerable categories. In that direction, the City of Skopje implements programs and activities that significantly help socially vulnerable people with the aim of improving their quality of life,” the decision for providing aid states.

People who will be able to receive this amount are the ones with guaranteed minimum assistance, pensioners with a minimum pension of up to 15,000 denars, and bankruptcy employees will be included.

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