Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Info 365technology

Insane! Nokia with 3D sound showed what the future of voice calls will look like


Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark made a phone call using a new technology called “immersive audio and video.”
Lundmark says this technology improves the quality of calls with three-dimensional sound, which makes the interaction more realistic, that is, as if the people talking are in the same room.

Current smartphone calls are monophonic, that is, they compress the audio elements and sound less “detailed”, but the new technology, claims Nokia, will bring 3D sound and the caller will hear everything as if they were in the same room with the person they are talking to.

“We have shown the future of voice calls,” said Lundmark.
Back in 1991, he participated in the first 2G call.

“It’s the biggest step forward in the live voice call experience since the introduction of the monophonic phone audio used in smartphones and computers today,” said Jenni Lukander, president of Nokia Technologies.

The conversation took place with Stefan Lindström, the Finnish ambassador for digitization and new technologies.

“This is now becoming standardized … so that network service providers, chipmakers and cell phone manufacturers can start implementing it in their products,” Lukander said, according to Reuters.
Nokia made the call using a regular smartphone over a public 5G network.

In addition to calls in general, this technology can also be used in conference calls, where participants’ voices can be separated based on their location in space, said Jyri Huopaniemi, head of audio research at Nokia Technologies.
The technology is part of the upcoming 5G Advanced standard and Nokia wants to be able to license it, and it will probably take a few years before it is widely available.

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