Friday, June 28, 2024
entertainmentInfo 365

Workers accidentally unearthed an “alien statue”?! Archaeologists have announced what they discovered


Experts have thoroughly analyzed an unusual statue resembling an extraterrestrial humanoid creature discovered by workers in the southern Mexican city of Acapulco, dismissing initial speculation about its archaeological significance.

Namely, on May 16, workers excavating the site in Acapulco encountered an unusual anthropomorphic statue. The discovery quickly attracted the attention of emergency services and local media, sparking widespread intrigue and debate about its origins.

The statue, with an elongated face, diagonally directed eyes and a bizarre mask, also has a feathered snake and a skull. These unusual features have led to numerous theories from residents and the media.

Strange face

Some enthusiasts even suggest that it could be an ancient artifact, possibly created in honor of extraterrestrial visitors, while there are others who think that the statue was left by aliens with some unknown intention.

However, experts from Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) have since dismissed those theories. Their analysis is that the statue is neither of extraterrestrial origin nor of significant age.

“The main character’s face and the shape of the skull he holds in his left hand, as well as the three-fingered limbs, are associated with current depictions of aliens, which is outside of the pre-Hispanic context. Therefore, the sculpture cannot be considered as archaeological cultural heritage,” INAH said.
There is also another statue
Investigation indicates that the statue is likely a modern sculpture, possibly belonging to a resident whose home was recently destroyed by Hurricane Otis. Another similar piece was found, but has since disappeared.

While the origins of these statues and the identity of their creator remain unknown, the discovery has shifted the focus from ancient alien theories to contemporary artistic expression, leaving the local community with a new mystery to ponder.

It has been decided that the statue will remain under the protection of the Public Security Secretariat of the Acapulco City Council until its legitimate ownership is proven. In addition, the work is protected because two people contested the ownership of the sculpture, which began to be auctioned on the Internet.

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