Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Info 365

Mysterious structure found near the Egyptian pyramids! “It can reveal a lot” !


Along with the height of the Great Egyptian Pyramid of Giza, its surroundings hide incredible secrets.
Recently, archaeologists discovered a mysterious L-shaped structure lying hidden next to this ancient monument, which is estimated to have been built around 4,500 years ago.

What makes this structure particularly interesting is the fact that there is another “anomaly” beneath it, suggesting that this structure could be some sort of passageway to the deeper parts of the earth.

An international team of researchers from Japan and Egypt used technologies such as electrical resistivity tomography and ground-penetrating radar to investigate the Western Cemetery area of ​​Giza.

Members of the royal family were buried in this cemetery, including King Khufu, under whose supervision the Great Pyramid was built.

Further research is needed
The structure they discovered shows interesting features, suggesting dimensions of at least 10 meters. Analyzes suggest that it was filled with sand after construction.

“The structure causing the anomalies could be vertical limestone walls or shafts leading to the burial structure. More detailed research is needed to confirm this possibility. “We believe that the continuity of shallow structure and deep large structure is important,” the researchers said.
Excavations to determine exactly what the L-shaped structure is are now underway, study first author Motoyuki Sato of Japan’s Tohoku University confirmed to Live Science.

They don’t know what it’s about
Peter Der Manuelian, a professor of Egyptology at Harvard University who was not involved in the study, explained why it took so long to make a potentially groundbreaking discovery:

“Nobody investigated it because there was nothing above ground.” “I’m still not sure what this anomaly represents,” he admitted. “But it’s certainly worth further research, it can reveal all sorts of things,” he concludes.

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