Monday, July 1, 2024
entertainmentInfo 365technology

The new superyacht will be a real underwater fortress | See why it costs billions of euros


In a world where luxury knows no bounds, the superyacht realm is about to dive to new depths – literally.
Austrian company Migaloo has set its sights on the ocean floor, unveiling plans for what it calls “the world’s one and only private underwater superyacht.”

Promising an unprecedented blend of luxury and maritime adventure, the ‘water wonder’ dubbed the M5 is poised to redefine the concept of extravaganza on the high seas. It will be able to dive 250 meters below the surface of the ocean and stay submerged for up to a month.

The Austrian company thus offers the ultimate escape for the discerning elite. The days of billionaires’ basements are clearly over. The rich can now explore the depths of the oceans in style. With an incredible length of 165.8 m and a width of 23 m, the M5 can travel around 15,000 km at a surface speed of up to 20 knots.

“Protection above military level”

However, as Migaloo points out, customization is key. Owners have carte blanche (unlimited authority) to customize the vessel to their liking, from exterior styling to interior design.

True to the ethos of superyacht extravagance, the M5 is equipped with an array of amenities fit for royalty. From the helipad and pool to the spa, gym, cinema, art gallery and entertainment area with DJ booth.

Every imaginable luxury is within the owner’s reach, with a hot air balloon and undersea shark feeding unit added to the vessel, ensuring that no wish is left unfulfilled.

However, in the midst of enjoyment, safety remains paramount. Migaloo has teamed up with US company SAFE to provide its own security systems, promising “beyond military protection” for what they describe as a “private undersea fortress”.

Who’s going to buy that anyway?
With such wealth comes a high price. Although specific costs vary depending on the customization, estimates for the M5 start at a whopping $2 billion (€1.87 billion), not including maintenance. However, for the elite few seeking the ultimate nautical experience, that price may be just a drop in the bucket.

The technology with which the M5 will be built is based on proven methodologies from motor yachts and submarines, ensuring safety and feasibility. However, the question remains: “Who has deep enough pockets to bring that underwater fortress to life?”

Although the concept of luxury submarines is not entirely new, Migaloo’s bold vision pushes the boundaries of maritime extravagance. With previous headline-grabbing ventures such as the private floating island Kokomo Ailand, the M5 concept has generated both curiosity and speculation.

Will it sail into reality or will it remain just a fantastic dream?

Time will tell, but for those dreaming of water adventures, it’s never too early to start saving.

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