Wednesday, July 3, 2024
entertainmentInfo 365

When traveling abroad, leave these habits at home


You should know that certain habits are considered rude and even offensive in certain countries.
When you travel abroad, you can often be surprised by unusual habits or customs. That’s why you should prepare before you go on a trip.

This means researching cultural norms, rules of behavior in restaurants, etc. However, if you don’t have time for deeper research, make sure you at least do one of the following:

Don’t expect everyone to speak English
English is spoken in most parts of the world (even when it’s not an official language), but that doesn’t mean you should expect someone in another country to meet your language criteria.

Instead, get a guide and learn a few key expressions in the language of the specific country. You can also use Google translate or use some third way.

Don’t ignore cultural norms
Social etiquette is important when traveling abroad. If you don’t make an effort to familiarize yourself with important customs like greeting or tipping, you’re on the way to embarrassing yourself and showing a lack of respect for others.

So, for example, in the US it is rude and offensive not to leave a tip. In Japan, it’s the other way around – if you tip a waiter, the Japanese will look at you in amazement.

Dress appropriately
Wearing shorts and short pants may be culturally inappropriate. For example, it is customary to cover the hands and feet in temples in Thailand and Bali. However, hundreds of tourists are photographed on these islands wearing inappropriate clothing.

Remember that by dressing appropriately, you show respect for where you are.

Don’t assume everything is open all day
In many countries it is open from 9 am to 5 pm, and most countries have shops open 24 hours. However, this is not the case everywhere. In Spain and Italy, they rest in the middle of the day, so many of their restaurants open twice.

Knocking on restaurant windows and asking the restaurant owner to open the door for you and prepare a delicious paella or pizza is rude to say the least.

Respect the monuments
Disrespecting monuments and symbols of cultural importance is indecent.

Climbing on tombs or monuments to take pictures is rude. Some monuments are less well-known, but that doesn’t mean you should threaten them.

Remember that some things are not really allowed.

Don’t be too critical of food and culture
If you are traveling abroad, keep in mind that it is a whole new experience.

You have no advantage comparing everything you eat, see and experience to what you have at home.

For your own sake, and for the sake of opening new horizons, avoid saying – The food is better at home or – This here does not cost as much, and it is five times better.

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