Monday, July 8, 2024
Info 365Science

Scientists analyze the speeches of Adolf Hitler | Additional clarifications and context will be posted


The aim is to make all relevant texts and audio recordings available in a scientifically reliable form.
The speeches given by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler between 1933 and 1945 during the Nazi Reign of Terror in Germany have been systematically analyzed by a group of scholars who will make them available to the public with accompanying explanations and context.

The project is expected to last seven years and aims to identify and analyze all of Adolf Hitler’s speeches for the first time and make them available to the academic world and the general public through a critical edition, scientists announced at the end of the week in Mannheim.

The joint project is implemented by the German Broadcasting Archive Foundation, Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Contemporary History Munich-Berlin, Leibniz Institute for German Language in Mannheim and Philipps University Marburg.

The aim is to make all relevant texts and audio recordings available in a scientifically reliable form.

Facts and contexts are explained in annotations according to the current state of the research, and short biographies introduce the people mentioned, the researchers say.

The explanations will be published in printed and digital form, they say.
Surviving audio recordings will be searchable and analysed.

The project is financed by the German Research Foundation, an interdisciplinary organization for the promotion of science and research in Germany.

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