Friday, July 5, 2024
Info 365

Charlie Chaplin’s letter to his daughter Geraldine


In the sixties of the last century, one of the most popular actors of all time, Charlie Chaplin, wrote a touching Christmas letter to his daughter Geraldine.

Charlie Chaplin’s private life was marked by many loves, and in his marriage to Una O’Neill he had eight children, including his daughter Geraldine, who followed in her father’s footsteps and became an actress.

Charlie wrote her a touching Christmas letter in 1965, which appeared on Facebook.

We convey it to you in its entirety:

My girl!
It’s night. Christmas night. All the armed men went to sleep. Put your brother, your sister to sleep. Even your mother fell asleep. I almost woke them up when I arrived in this dimly lit room. You are so far away from me. But to go blind if you are not always before my eyes. Your portrait is here on the table, and here in my heart.
Where are you? There, in magnificent Paris, you dance on the grand theater stage of the Champs Elysees. I am aware that you are far away, but sometimes it seems to me, in the silence of the night, how I hear your footsteps, how I see your eyes, which shine like stars in the winter sky.
I hear that you are acting in that play and that you are playing the part of a Persian beauty who conquers Tatar Khan. Beauty and dance! Be a star and shine! But if the enthusiasm and respect of the public poisons you, if the smell of the flowers offered to you makes you dizzy, sit in the corner and read the letter, listen to the voice of your heart.
I’m your father, Geraldine!
I’m Charlie, Charlie Chaplin!
Do you know how many nights I spent by your side when you were a child, telling you the story of Sleeping Beauty and waking the dragon? And when the dream came to me, I chased it saying: “Go away!” My daughter’s dream is my dream!”
I saw your dreams, Geraldine, your future. I saw a girl dancing on the stage, like a fairy flying across the sky. I heard the audience saying, “See that girl? That’s an old fool’s daughter, remember, her name is Charlie?”
Yes, I’m Charlie! I’m an old fool!
Today is your turn. Dance! I danced in oversized ripped pants, you dance in a silk dress like a princess. That dance and applause will sometimes lift you to the sky.
Fly! Fly there! But come back to earth! You should see the lives of the people, the lives of the street dancers who are shivering with cold and hunger. I was like them, Geraldine. Those nights, those magical nights while you slept, soothed by my stories, I was awake.
I looked at your face, listened to your heartbeat and wondered, “Charlie, does this kitten even know you?” You don’t know me, Geraldine. I told you many stories in those nights, but his story – never. And she is also interesting. It’s the story of a hungry fool who sang and danced in the streets of London… and collected petty cash… This is my story!!
I knew what hunger was, what it was to be homeless. More than that, I experienced the humiliating pain of wandering – the ocean of pride in my chest raged, and that pride was painfully wounded as coins were thrown at me. But still, I survived, so let’s leave this story.
It’s better to talk about you.
After your name – Geraldine – is my surname – Chaplin. With that last name, I entertained the people of the country for more than 40 years. But I cried more than they laughed. Geraldine, there are many other things besides dance and music in the world you live in.
In the middle of the night, when you leave the beautiful halls, you can forget your rich admirers, but you must not forget to ask your driver if there is a woman at home, if she is pregnant, if they have money for diapers for their unborn child. You mustn’t forget to put money in his pocket. Sometimes he goes by metro or bus, explore the city on foot. Look at the people. Look for widows and orphans! And at least once a day say to yourself: “I am the same as them.” Yes, you are one of them, my child. Art, before giving man wings to fly, usually breaks his legs. And if the day comes when you think you are above the audience, immediately leave the stage and take the first taxi out into the streets of Paris. I know them very well. There you will see many dancers like you, even more beautiful, calmer, prouder. The blinding lights of the stage will not follow you there. They are illuminated by the light of the moon. Take a good look at them! Don’t they dance better than you? Admit it, my child! There is always someone who dances better than you, who plays better than you. And remember, your father is Charlie, a peasant who swore at taxis, a mocking poor man who sat on the banks of the Seine.

I will die, but you will live. And I hope you never know what poverty is. I am sending you a checkbook with this letter, so you can spend as much as you want. But when you spend two coins, don’t forget that the third one is not yours! She must belong to a stranger who needs her! And you can find them easily, you just have to want them. I am telling you about money because I know it is the power of the devil.
I spent a lot of time in the circus. And I was always worried about the tightrope walkers. But I have to tell you that most people hit rock bottom much worse than them. Maybe one night a diamond will dazzle you. At the same time it will be dangerous for you and it will be inevitable that you will fall. Maybe one day you will be enchanted by a prince. On the same day, you will be an inexperienced tightrope walker and fall like never before. Do not sell your heart for gold and precious stones. Meet the biggest diamond – the sun. Fortunately, the sun shines for everyone. And when the time comes and you fall in love, love that person with all your heart. I told mother to write to you about it. She understands love better than I do…
Your body is covered with a piece of silk. In the name of art, it can even be displayed naked on stage, but it is important that it is always returned, not only dressed, but also clean. I am old, and maybe my words sound funny. But in my opinion, your naked body should belong only to the one who will love your exposed soul.
Don’t worry about how you’ll think about this in ten years. Don’t worry, you will be ten years older. I know that fathers and children are constantly at odds. And you don’t have to agree with me, with my thoughts, my girl! I don’t like obedient children. And until my eyes fill with tears after this letter, I want to believe that this Christmas night is a night of miracles.
I hope there is a miracle and that you really understood everything I wanted to tell you. Charlie is old, Geraldine. Sooner or later, instead of wearing a white dress for the stage, you will have to be in mourning and come to my grave. I don’t want to disturb you now. Just look in the mirror – there you will see me, my qualities. My blood flows in your veins. When the blood in my veins runs cold, I hope you won’t forget your father, Charlie. I was no angel, but I always wanted to be human. Try it too.
I love you, Geraldine. Your Charlie. December 1965. year

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