Friday, July 5, 2024
Info 365

Did you know that Ivo Andric did not receive the Nobel Prize for the novel “Na Drini ćuprija”


Ivo Andrić did not receive the Nobel Prize for the novel “Na Drini ćuprija”.
When the Nobel Committee awarded Andrić the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1961, it was not for a literary work, but “for the epic power with which he shaped the themes and portrayed the destinies of people throughout the history of his country.” that is Andrić received the award for his overall literary oeuvre and contribution to literature.

In the explanation of the Nobel Committee, his other works are mentioned, after the novel “Na Drini ćuprija”, namely “Travnička hronika”, “Gospodjica” and “Prokleta avlija”.
On December 10, 1961, he thanked for the recognition with his speech “O priči i prićanju”.

It is also little known that Andric donated the prize money of one million dollars, by winning the Nobel Prize, entirely to the development of librarianship in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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