Thursday, July 4, 2024
Info 365

Scientists have finally explained how cats extend our lives


The belief that cats are selfish, self-centered and just looking for petting and attention is not true. Research has shown that there is a special “healing” relationship between them and the owners.
People who have cats as pets experience a stroke less often, because playing and sharing tenderness with them calms the body. It has also been proven that children who grow up with them from childhood are less susceptible to asthma.

In addition, these cute animals can lie next to the sick owner for days, waiting for him to recover. The soft, rhythmic vibrations they emit while spinning reduce pain and speed healing. They are also a lot of fun, and often make their owners smile, lift their spirits and relieve stress.

We have prepared for you undeniable proof that cats not only look good in photos, pictures, but also contribute to our health.

Cats heal.

The purring of cats affects the healing of wounds. Although scientists have not yet discovered exactly how this sound is produced, we all know: cats purr. That, in a way, has a beneficial effect on people’s ability to regenerate.

Cats transmit in the range of a special therapeutic vibration.
The cat purrs at a frequency of 25 to 150 hertz. This is exactly the frequency at which the cat’s muscles and bones regenerate best. But these waves are also perfect for humans.

They are in the “therapeutic” range, from a medical point of view, a range of 25-150 hertz. Several studies have been devoted to this fact. Therefore, cat purring can heal broken bones, repair damaged muscles, and even relieve shortness of breath while walking.

Cats reduce the amount of stress in your life.
Research shows that cat owners, on average, show fewer signs of stress. In second place are dog owners. The most susceptible to stress are people without pets.

Cats can reduce the occurrence of heart attacks by 40%.
Scientists from the University of Minnesota have found that the presence of cats in the house is good for your heart. In their study, they found that people who do not have a cat suffer from heart attacks 40% more often. Why?

Here’s a quote: “The most logical explanation is that cats are able to significantly reduce stress, anxiety and worry, and therefore reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.”

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