Sunday, June 30, 2024

One of the few places where the US and Russia cooperate | Astronauts and Cosmonaut on the ISS


The four newly arrived astronauts were met at their destination by the station’s current seven-member crew.
Three American astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut arrived on Tuesday at the International Space Station (ISS/ISS).

A two-stage Falcon 9 rocket carrying an autonomously operated Crew Dragon capsule called Endeavor launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral on the Atlantic coast of Florida.

The four newly arrived astronauts were met at their destination by the station’s current seven-member crew, the US space agency NASA announced.

They were supposed to arrive at the ISS on Saturday, but liftoff was delayed by strong winds.

During their six-month stay on the ISS, they plan to conduct more medical experiments. The crew will remain on the space station until the end of August and will perform about 250 experiments in the microgravity environment of the orbital platform.

NASA veteran Dr. Michael Barratt is on the ISS for the third time, and Matthew Dominick, a US Navy pilot, Jeanette Epps, an aerospace engineer and former CIA technical intelligence officer, and cosmonaut Alexander Grebyonkin, a former military aircraft engineer, are on ISS for the first time.
The International Space Station is one of the few places where the US and Russia still cooperate despite Russian aggression against Ukraine.

The space agencies of the United States, Russia, Canada, Europe and Japan take care of the station.

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