Friday, July 5, 2024
healthInfo 365

This is how bacon affects our health! “Many people don’t even know what it contains”


We often hear that bacon is not the healthiest and that we should consume it in moderation, but is that really true?
Bacon is rich in proteins and vitamins, and contains very few carbohydrates. There are reasons why you can enjoy bacon without regrets, in moderation of course.

Bacon is a favorite dish of our elders, and probably for a reason.

Serbian doctor Milka Raicevic, a guest of RTS, shared important information about bacon, a popular dish among everyone in the region, highlighting key aspects.

Although many are careful about their eating habits, especially avoiding bacon because of its fat, the doctor points out that bacon actually contains less bad unsaturated fat than seafood, with three times the amount of monounsaturated fatty acids.

“Many people don’t know this, but bacon contains only two percent of bad unsaturated fats, and it has three times more monounsaturated fatty acids than seafood,” he explains in his own words.
Is bacon really good?
Unusually, but bacon can be beneficial for people on a diet, Raicevic claims. She states that the body remembers which fats we eat, and we retain them, which can be useful when the body is under stress from dieting.

“Our body is a computer. He knows how much he struggles to save that fat. The next time you go on a diet, it accumulates and does not allow it to be easily expelled from the body,” the doctor claims.
There are several theories about the benefits of eating bacon:

Bacon contains no carbohydrates, which can be beneficial for those avoiding carbohydrates for weight loss.
It is rich in proteins, important for maintaining energy and health of the skin, hair and nails.
It helps fight hangovers.
Provides a feeling of satiety due to the high content of saturated fat.
It is rich in vitamin B, which strengthens immunity and provides the daily needs of thiamin, niacin and vitamin B12 and zinc.
Bacon was part of the diet of primitive people and fits into the paleo diet.
It is easy to prepare, either by frying or without any processing.

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