Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Info 365Life

Dogs recognize bad people before their owners Science explains how to spot this!


Many people trust their dogs, but do dogs trust people?
Cat or dog? This is a question that has been debated for years. Here’s another fact about dogs that can change your mind about which pet to choose.

A recent study showed that dogs can analyze how trustworthy a person is. Dogs, like real detectives, can show us whether they trust a person or not.

The research was conducted by Akiko Takaoka of Kyoto University in Japan. The scientists and his colleagues wanted to find out if the dog believed the person who was lying to him. The researchers divided the experiment into 3 parts. They wanted to find out if a dog can understand that a person is lying to them.

A group of scientists say the research has potential implications for dog behavior studies. The study tells us that dogs want this world to be safe, according to John Bradshaw of the University of Bristol.

In the experiment, the dog’s owners would first show the food bowl. The dog would run towards him. Then they would point their finger at the dish without food. The dogs would be tricked into coming to the bowl.

It was previously shown that dogs would run towards the object shown by the owner. Therefore, it is believed that dogs are able to understand human gestures. If the gestures are inconsistent, the dog can become nervous and stressed.

The third time the dogs would not follow the owner’s hand. They did not believe in liars. The study included 34 dogs and all of them showed the same behavior. Dogs would use their previous experiences to learn that a person is not to be trusted.

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