Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The first artificial intelligence child created | Communicates, learns and makes decisions


The idea of making children robots, featured in the American science fiction film A.I. Steven Spielberg’s Artificial Intelligence (2001), starring Haley Joel Osment and Jude Law, is about to become a reality.
Namely, a group of Chinese scientists claim to have created the world’s first “artificial intelligence child,” an entity that exhibits behavior and abilities similar to a human child at three or four years old.

Tong Tong (The Little Girl) is considered a giant step towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Unveiled at the AI Technology Show, the innovative AI model is said to be capable of autonomous learning and can demonstrate a level of emotional engagement never seen before in AI development.

It has its own values and ideals
Its creators at the Beijing Institute of General Artificial Intelligence (BIGAI) claim that Tong Tong is constantly improving its skills and knowledge through human interaction and research.

“Tong Tong possesses a mind and strives to retain the sanity given to her by humans. It differentiates good from bad, expresses its views in different situations and has the power to shape the future”, announced in the promotional video shown during the exhibition.

During last month’s exhibition in Beijing, visitors were able to interact interactively with the Little Girl and observe her behavior.

For example, when programmed to prefer tidy surroundings, she will straighten a crooked photo on the wall and even bring a chair to climb on if the picture is too tall. If someone spills milk during the simulation, she will bring a cloth to clean up.

However, one of the main things that differentiates Tong Tong from other AI beings is that it has the power to independently assign tasks to itself based on its own values and ideals.

A wide range of skills
Its creators claim that it is capable of autonomous learning and that it has its own joy, anger and sadness.

The little girl can communicate with people through facial expressions, gestures and conversations. She is able to recognize and convey different feelings such as happiness, anger and sadness, as well as react appropriately to the emotional states of others.

Although he currently has the abilities and behavior of a three or four year old, Tong Tong is constantly developing and improving.

“To advance towards general artificial intelligence, we need to create entities that can grasp the real world and possess a wide range of skills,” concludes BIGAI director Zhu Songchun.

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