Monday, July 8, 2024

Sports cannot be a privilege only for rich kids


From the guest appearance of the coordinator of the Left – Dispute Sector, Vesna Kiradzhieva, in the show “Magazin”.
“I would start the changes in sports from scratch, that is, from education. Physical education in schools is neglected, and classes are replaced by other subjects, creating frustration among children.

This is a consequence of the fact that gyms are usually busy, because there is not enough space. On the other hand, they are rented for private lessons, for money. Thus, we are brought to a situation where the one who can pay, can afford this, or send his child to private lessons.

Every child must have the opportunity for physical activity, this is not a privilege, it is part of the education itself, it is a basis. It can’t just be a privilege for rich kids.”

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