Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Info 365LifeScience

Amazon could soon suffer dire consequences | The destruction must be stopped


Parts of the Amazon are facing severe pressures that could lead to irreversible changes by 2050, scientists warn.
A study published in the journal Nature shows that by mid-century, 10% to 47% of the Amazon’s forests will be seriously threatened by a combination of factors such as global warming, changing precipitation, longer dry spells, and deforestation and fires.

Such a collapse of forest ecosystems would not only potentially cause further climate change, but also have serious consequences for local communities and the region’s wildlife, including more than 10% of terrestrial species, The Guardian reports.
Although the Amazon rainforest is a key habitat for many animal species and plays an important role in storing carbon and regulating the climate, the resilience of the region’s forests has been declining since the early 2000s, the study noted.

The situation is not ideal
As the main threats to the Amazon, scientists have identified rising temperatures, increasing number of dry days and changes in rainfall patterns.

About 38% of the remaining Amazonian forests are already severely degraded due to deforestation, fires and extreme droughts, and road networks further contribute to damage to the core of the ecosystem.

According to predictions, by 2050, much of the Amazon could undergo transformation into savanna or degraded forest, which would seriously threaten the Amazon’s function as a carbon store and significantly worsen the local impacts of climate change.

To prevent further deterioration of the situation, scientists emphasize the need to urgently stop deforestation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Keeping the Amazon forest within safe limits requires a combination of local and global efforts, with the need to restore at least 5% of the lost areas.

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