Friday, June 28, 2024

The court in Kraljevo allowed the three Kosovo policemen to defend themselves from freedom


The Council of the High Court in Kraljevo confirmed the indictment against the three members of the Kosovo Police and made a decision by which the detention of the accused was lifted.

The lawyer from Belgrade, Gradimir Nalic, who represents the arrested Kosovo police officers in Serbia, confirmed to RFE/RL that their detention has been lifted and that, as he said, they are currently being released.

“The indictment has been confirmed, and the detention has been lifted and they will defend themselves from freedom,” Nalic said and added that the policemen are returning to Kosovo.

He also said that “in the interest of the clients” he cannot say anything more about this case.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wrote on Twitter that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic informed him that “in accordance with our agreement from last week, Serbia will soon release the Kosovo police officers from custody.”

“We very much appreciate Aleksandar Vucic’s step,” said Orban.

Initially, the court made a decision for 30-day detention of the three police officers.

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