Friday, June 28, 2024

Serbia claims: Kurti’s real intention was to plant weapons on the Serbs


The Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, stated at an extraordinary press conference that “Serbian services have discovered the intentions of the institutions of Pristina”, that a “general information war” is underway with the intention of harming Serbia, preventing any continuation of the dialogue and announced “intense meetings between the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic and the military”, and an address by Vucic to the public within 24 hours, the MIA correspondent from Belgrade reported.

  • Last night at 19:40 a large number of Rosa members broke into the Kolonia settlement in Zvečan. An hour later, Svecija announced that a car with license plate BG955JW had been found and announced that a certain amount of weapons and explosives had been found and that Belgrade was behind plans for terrorist attacks on the citizens and institutions of Kosovo, Petkovic said, adding that Svecija had attacked Belgrade without any evidence.

“Our services determined what the real intentions of Pristina are and we informed certain intelligence services and the biggest power in the world about it. This is evidence that shows that the plan of Albin Kurti and Prishtina was to plant the weapons they collected from people who did not have permits on the Serbs so that it would be a reason for new arrests,” said Petkovic.

“The BIA (Security Intelligence Agency), long before last night’s action in Zvečan, informed the most important intelligence service in the world that the authorities in Pristina were preparing previously seized weapons before Vidovden used them as a pretext for new arrests and attacks on Serbs in the north of Kosovo. ” he added

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, will address the public within 24 hours regarding the latest events in Kosovo, and intense meetings between Vucic and the military leadership are ongoing and that further decisions will be made in accordance with the development of the situation.

  • We will fight to preserve the peace and we will do absolutely everything to show the world and the domestic public what deceptions we are facing, which aim to weaken Serbia and cause new incidents and create space for unjustified arrests of the north of Kosovo, creating new crises and introducing new conflicts. There are certainly big forces behind this that are helping Kurti and Pristina, said Petkovic.

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