Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Kunovska about the disagreements between Zaev and Kovacevski


Sofia Kunovska, this morning on Telma’s “Utrinska” show, said that currently, according to her knowledge, there is great dissatisfaction in the ruling party, but also that there are disagreements between Dimitar Kovacevski and Zoran Zaev.

“Things cannot be fixed there by changing only one person at the head of the Government, if it is known that that person was conditionally “brought in by the hand” by the previous president. The influence in the formation of that Government was also great. Today there may be divergence between the two of them, which is being talked about more and more loudly.

In SDSM there were groups with different opinions from Vlado Buckovski, Nikola Popovski, Radmila Šećerinska, the meetings of the IO lasted until 4 in the morning in very high tones, but the members were friends again the next day. You can’t imagine that today, decisions are made in narrow groups based on the criterion of loyalty, and there are practically no meetings.

There is great discontent among the membership even though there are attempts to mobilize it. They think that starting negotiations with the EU is a magic wand that should cover up all the problems facing society. But the citizens are fed up with it, they demand a fight against corruption, a decent time has passed, but we see a total disaster in the judiciary, the public prosecutor’s offices and the whole country.

VMRO-DPMNE missed the chance to clean up with itself, from the time when there were people who got rich and committed serious abuses of power. VMRO-DPMNE did not make an effort to radically clean up with the past and establish itself on a new basis. I wish a new political option will happen. There are many dissatisfied passivizers from SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE and it would be good to have a new political option. I see that there are such initiatives – this is from Maxim Dimitrievski and Nikola Dimitrov” – said Kunovska.

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