Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Info 365



The reason for the mutiny in the foreign legion fighting on the side of official Kyiv is allegedly claims that they were forced to loot shops and private houses, assault and sexually harass civilians, as well as “suicide missions”.

The Kyiv “Independent” in its Saturday issue reports on a rebellion in the foreign legion fighting on the side of official Kyiv, and as the reason why the case ended up in the press pages, it is stated that none of those responsible, including President Volodymyr Zelensky himself, they did not react to the crimes and arbitrariness of the legion commander Sasha Kuczynski, so-called Broda.

According to the Independent, Commander Kuczynski is a pre-war Polish criminal and murderer. He shaved his head in Ukraine after the 2014 killing of Polish police chief Marek Papala. His real name is Piotr Kapusczynski and he belonged to the Warsaw gangster clan “Prushków”. Journalists Anna Mironjuk and Oleksandar Hrebet write in an extensive text and referring to “numerous sources” that the main accusations of the soldiers against the commanders are that they were sent, according to them, on “suicide missions”.

One of the American volunteers told how the Russians discovered his detachment at the location near Mikolaev. After the withdrawal of the neighboring Ukrainian units, he remained in the position for a long time under heavy artillery fire, and when he finally left the position, the intelligence commanders sent other Legion soldiers there.

The volunteer Andrew Hill was in the second group, who was eventually caught and is currently awaiting sentencing in the court of the People’s Republic of Donetsk. The volunteer, an American Jew, complained to reporters about “Sasha Kuczynski’s” anti-Semitism. The “Scandinavian soldier” of the Legion stated that Broda always had the support of Ukrainian officers to “do whatever he wanted”. Foreign “military volunteers”, as Kyiv calls its foreign legion, were allegedly forced to loot shops and private homes, assault and sexually harass civilians.

The Kyiv Independent quoted a report by one of the Brazilian non-commissioned officers of the International Legion, who claimed that Kuczynski sent his soldiers on “suicide missions”. This is the case when a Legion unit trained for only two weeks was sent to the front line, in the heat of a heavy battle for Severodonetsk, which was finally captured by the Russians. Despite appeals to withdraw, Kuczynski kept the unit at the front for four days. After this incident, most of the soldiers decided to leave the service in the International Legion


Foreign fighters said they tried to solve the case behind the scenes. They first complained to their commanders, then to Ukrainian parliamentarians, and finally reached the office of the President of Ukraine. Since the Legion was formed by order of Zelensky, the foreign fighters counted on the support of his administration, but they did not receive help from it.

Alona Verbicka, plenipotentiary representative of the president for the rights of soldiers, told reporters that she informed her superiors about the legionnaires’ complaints. She did not explain to whom exactly she reported their allegations. In the president’s office, the International Legion is overseen by two people – national security expert Vitaly Martynuk and deputy head of the office and former military intelligence officer Roman Mazovec.

“I heard a direct order from Sascha Kuczynski (Kapushczynski) to the soldiers from my unit to break into the shopping center and rob all possible valuables,” a Canadian volunteer told The Independent.

To confirm the claims, a video of the robbery was made available to journalists. A Colombian volunteer claims that Kuczynski not only ordered the looting of civilians, but also looted his own unit.

– During my stay in Severodonetsk, a vehicle arrived with thermal cameras painted in civilian camouflage – the soldier wrote in his statement. Meanwhile, “Sasha Kuczynski” offered to purchase these thermal cameras for $300 for International Legion military personnel.

Journalists Anna Mironyuk and Oleksandr Hrebet emphasize that these events took place in the part of the International Legion that is under the Ukrainian military intelligence service. The commanders of this wing of the Legion are directly subordinate to Kiril Budanov – the head of the intelligence service.

Russian aviation hit Kraken positions, liquidated mercenaries

Russia’s Defense Ministry said Russian aircraft struck the positions of the Ukrainian Kraken extremist unit near Avdeyevka near Kharkiv, killing more than 100 militants. The spokesman of the Ministry, Igor Konashenkov, said that among them up to 20 American mercenaries were liquidated, reports RIA Novosti.

Konashenkov added that in the area of ​​Velikymihailovka settlement in the Dnipropetrovsk region, Russian aviation hit the position of the 110th Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and that at least 200 of its members were killed and more than 150 wounded.

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