Monday, July 1, 2024

This is why you are constantly tired no matter how much sleep you get


Constant fatigue, regardless of how much sleep you get, can be one of the main signs of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body, Mirror reports.

This vitamin is a very important nutrient that the body uses to process DNA and produce energy. Sources of vitamin B12 are almost exclusively foods of animal origin. In the human body, it is deposited in the liver. Vitamin B12 along with folic acid is one of the anti-anemic vitamins. Both vitamins have a protective role in the body because they prevent the occurrence of some types of anemia.

Vitamin B12, like other B vitamins, plays an important role in converting fats, carbohydrates and proteins into energy. It is key to the production of genetic material RNA and DNA, as well as myelin, which creates a protective covering around nerves.

The decline of this vitamin is due to its reduced intake in the body, poor absorption, certain health conditions or due to taking certain medications.

As we age, our body absorbs less vitamin B12 from food, so vitamin B12 deficiency is common in older people.

The researchers also found that vegans who followed strict dietary rules and avoided animal foods, as well as milk and eggs, had a 92 percent increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body.

Each of us at some point in our lives feels tired and exhausted.

For many, a healthy diet with occasional exercise will help boost energy. However, persistent fatigue and weakness, even after rest and sleep, may be a sign that your body is deficient in vitamin B12.

Some types of anemia also manifest as exhaustion and weakness, so anemia can go hand in hand with vitamin B12 deficiency.

Foods rich in this vitamin are: turkey, beef, sardines, salmon, eggs.

If you experience constant fatigue, it may be best to get your blood work done and consult a doctor to determine if a vitamin B12 deficiency is the cause.

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