Monday, July 8, 2024
Info 365

The West is preparing for an open armed conflict The Security Council of Russia warns: The consequences will be felt around the world


Petrushev accused the US of organizing provocations, including the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
The Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Nikolai Patrushev, accuses Western countries of preparing for an open armed confrontation with Russia, Interfax reported.

  • The events surrounding Ukraine show that the Westerners are trying to balance on the border between hybrid actions and open armed conflict with our country, for which they do not stop preparing, Patrushev said on Friday at the meeting of the secretaries of the Security Council of the countries of the Shanghai Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. cooperation (SCO).
    He also accused the US of organizing provocations, including the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
  • At the suggestion of the Americans, the Ukrainians without stopping hit the critical infrastructure of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. If a man-made disaster occurs, its effects will be felt in all parts of the world. At the same time, Washington, London and their henchmen will bear full responsibility for this, said the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
    According to Patrushev, “Washington and its regional allies, primarily London, promote projects that are useful to an extremely narrow group of countries to expand existing and create new military blocs in different regions of the world.”

The Secretary of the Security Council of Russia also stated that Russia, led by President Vladimir Putin during the war in Ukraine, is fighting against the regime in Kyiv, which illegally came to power with the support of the West.

  • Russia is fighting precisely against the puppet regime of Kyiv, which came to power as a result of the coup organized by the Westerners in 2014. While the Ukrainian people, who have had foreign values ​​imposed on them for eight years, will become the main beneficiaries of the defeat of the ultra-right gangs and their patrons among the Ukrainian political elite and oligarchy, Patrushev said.
    According to him, in 2014, Western countries organized a coup d’état in Ukraine not only to use it as a springboard to put pressure on Russia, but also “to create a precedent for further fragmentation of the Russian ethnic group with the aim of its complete eradication.”

Patrushev believes that the special operation launched by Russia in Ukraine is being used by the West and the United States “as a pretext for launching an unprecedented global anti-Russian campaign.”

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