Tuesday, July 2, 2024

THE MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSE | The head of the Russian space agency has admitted that Moscow is dealing with UFOs and mentioned theories that will give you goosebumps


“We can study bacteria, but we can also be studied just like bacteria,” said Dmitry Rogozin.

The head of the Russian space agency (Roscosmos), Dmitry Rogozin, said that he believes in the existence of extraterrestrial life that could be more intelligent and technologically far more advanced than humanity, the portal RT reports.

Thousands of factors could contribute to the creation of life anywhere in space, Rogozin said, adding that humans’ ability to study space is still very limited.

“We know the theory of the Big Bang, but what if it only happened in a certain part of the universe visible to us”? asks the head of Roscosmos, adding that there may be some other worlds.

The Russian Academy of Sciences also conducts studies related to extraterrestrial life, particularly the UFO phenomenon, Rogozin said, but added that 99.9 percent of such cases investigated by Russian experts turned out to be “atmospheric and other physical phenomena” that have nothing to do with any hypotheses about extraterrestrial intelligent life.

Rogozin also stated that he personally reviewed the Soviet pilots’ reports.

However, as a possibility, he also allowed that there may be life forms that have advanced to such a technological level that they can study human civilization and our planet just as we humans do with other species here on Earth.

“We can study bacteria, but we can be studied just like bacteria,” he emphasized and concluded:

“We may already be exposed to external observation, but … it is also possible that our technology and current understanding of science is not sufficient to make us aware of it.”

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