Wednesday, July 3, 2024

RUSSIA ANNOUNCES THE USE OF TERRIBLE WEAPONS | In a few seconds they melt steel, hit a target in millimeters | Video


Russia has announced the use of some of its secret and terrifying weapons in Ukraine, such as the “Zadira” and “Peresvet” laser cannons, Western media reports.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov announced the use of the “Zadira” laser, which military experts say is transported by vehicles, has a range of five kilometers and can be used to shoot down drones.

“Zadira”, according to Russian claims, “fries drones in the sky”, the analytical portal “Advance” reports.

The agencies recall the Russian ballistic system “Peresvet”, which also includes laser weapons.

“Peresvet” finished off his name by a medieval warrior-monk.

The laser can reportedly “blind” satellites orbiting 1,500 kilometers from Earth.

– If “Peresvet” blinds, then this new generation of laser weapons leads to physical destruction of the target, to thermal destruction, because it burns – explains Borisov

However, some Western experts, even after the introduction of very powerful weapons in the Russian army, doubt that Russia really has such weapons in use, “Deutsche Welle” reports.

Laser weapons produce a beam of concentrated high-temperature deposition, and some of them can penetrate thick steel in seconds.

The laser beam moves at the speed of light, has a long range and can hit the target with millimeter precision.

Another advantage on the front end is that the lasers are almost inaudible. More importantly – they are cheap because there is no ammunition.

The Dutch research organization, which works on laser weapons, states that each laser shot costs only one dollar, reports German radio.

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