Monday, July 8, 2024

Reduce stress with these foods


It’s natural to be stressed sometimes, but if a stressful situation becomes part of your daily life and completely takes over your spirit and rhythm of life, it starts to affect your mental and physical health.

Stress affects the creation of depression, but also heart disease in perfectly healthy and vital people, and now is the right time to stand in its way once and for all.

We can help you remove small, petty and everyday stresses so that you can be smiling during the day in a natural way, with delicious food.

These are foods that affect the release of stress, accelerate the production of happy hormones and calm the stomach.


If you choose to include protein at lunch, eat carbohydrates in the form of potatoes and you can reduce the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone. A large amount of cortisol in the body can create various inflammations, weakness and a feeling of sleepiness, and sweet potatoes will restore your strength.


Eggs are considered a bombastic food that will lift your mood, but also your immunity. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants that kill free radicals in the body and remove the feeling of tension.

If you make a delicious breakfast that includes eggs, you’ll be sure to stay full until lunch, so you won’t be reaching for unhealthy snacks and sodas.


Cooked broccoli contains minerals that can prevent heart disease, reduce feelings of anxiety and prevent depression in all people, regardless of their age. It is neutral, so you can serve it with any meat or other meal.

With anti-stress teas

When you don’t have time to prepare a meal, steep a tea bag in a cup of hot water. Chamomile and green tea remove toxins from your body, relax you and neutralize stress.

Take a moment for yourself in your everyday life and drink a cup of tea in peace, listen to your breathing and focus on the things you love. A few minutes of tea break is sure to make you calmer and reduce the level of stress you feel.

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