Monday, July 8, 2024

It explains why not everyone responds well to a vaccine


Scientists have an answer to why some people are not affected by the coronavirus vaccine.

Only vaccination can end the covid 19 pandemic. Vaccines, which are currently approved, are highly effective, but sometimes the human response to the vaccine fails.

Why is that?

A new study from the University of Queensland has linked a metabolic hormone known as leptin to poor vaccine antibody reactions in the general population.

People seem to be quite concerned about the side effects resulting from the vaccine. Usually, a more severe adverse reaction to the vaccine is very rare.

In particular, scientists are more concerned about the inadequate protection against covid19 that some people have after receiving the vaccine. Experts in Australia have examined several reactions to the flu vaccine or the hepatitis B vaccine and found a link between the metabolic and immune systems that may explain the strange responses to the vaccines.

Scientists working on very advanced techniques in immunology, genetics and biochemistry have in this study discovered a metabolic hormone known as “leptin” that directly promotes the development and function of cells used in the immune response.

Basically, leptin depletion compromises vaccine response in both the young and the elderly. There are ways to determine leptin levels, which would be useful in predicting whether a vaccine will produce an adequate antibody response.

Leptin is mainly formed by adipose tissue. This means that obese people have reduced leptin levels and this compromises vaccine responses.

Interestingly, obese people often have high leptin levels and yet often experience a poorer response to the vaccine. Scientists are still investigating, but it is likely that it is caused by leptin resistance.

Leaner and healthier people have a much better chance of being adequately protected by vaccination. They also die in a lower percentage from covid 19, and the vaccine provides them with even stronger protection.

Professor Di Yu, lead author of the study, said: “Vaccines have long been known to have different effects on people. Although our genetics partly contributes to the difference, other factors are also necessary. “When we are fit and healthy, we have much better vaccine effectiveness.”

“Covid 19 is still a new problem for us. And vaccination is also a relatively new process. All this means that we are still trying to understand some things. I hope that the vaccines will succeed and that we will all see an end to the covid 19 pandemic soon. Perhaps it is much more important that the lessons we learned during the pandemic are also remembered for some of the pandemics to come.”

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