Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Here’s why some people should avoid beer


Beer is a common part of many people’s routine. However, it is not for everyone.

According to gastroenterologist Jonathan Kung of Mount Sinai Hospital, there are some groups of people who should refrain from drinking beer.

People with a history of diabetes or pre-diabetes

Although the list of ingredients on the beer bottle does not always include sugar, it is naturally formed during the yeast fermentation process.

“Beer can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar or, if drunk on an empty stomach, can cause a rapid rise in insulin and lead to hypoglycemia,” explains Dr. Kung.

People who are trying to lose weight or are overweight

If you want to lose extra pounds, you should stay away from beer. Beer has 100 to 200 calories, which should be kept in mind.

People who are sensitive to gluten

Those who do not eat gluten should avoid beer as it can contribute to future digestive problems.

“Beer often contains gluten, which can trigger an inflammatory response in the gut in many patients, resulting in gastrointestinal symptoms,” says Dr. Kung.

Fortunately, there are gluten-free options that are a good choice in this case.

People with a history of irritable bowel syndrome

Stomach problems can be very uncomfortable, as those with irritable bowel syndrome know best. And beer causes flatulence, gas, and sometimes diarrhea, as well as stomach pains, reports

People with a history of chronic liver disease or cirrhosis

If you have been diagnosed with liver disease or cirrhosis, avoid beer.

“When alcohol is metabolized in an already irritated liver, it can further accelerate damage to the liver parenchyma and can ultimately result in a decline in liver function,” adds Dr. Kung.

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