Tuesday, July 2, 2024

END OF AN ERA | Facebook is changing its name? Zuckerberg, under the pressure of increasingly harsh criticism, announced a serious rebranding!


The name Facebook does not go down in history, it would continue to be used as a name for a social network.

Facebook , which is facing increasing criticism from regulators and lawmakers over its business practices, intends to rebrand itself under a new name, Reuters reported  yesterday, citing The Verge .

The new name, which will be announced next week, refers to the “metaverse”  – a virtual reality space in which users interact with a computer-generated environment and other users, The Verge claims , citing information from well-informed sources.

Reuters reporters reached out to Facebook for comment, but the company said it does not comment on “rumors or speculation.”

The concept of the “metaverse”

The rebranding will position that social network as one of many products under the parent company that will also follow Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus and other apps.

Google adopted the same structure when it reorganized into holding company Alphabet in 2015.

The rebranding will reflect Facebook’s focus on developing the “metaverse,” the online world where people can use a variety of devices to navigate and communicate in a virtual environment. The concept of the “metaverse”  tends to convey the reality of the internet.

Big plans

Facebook has invested heavily in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) projects and intends to connect its nearly three billion users across several devices and applications.

Facebook also announced that it is working on the flagship Oculus VR device – Oculus Rift , a virtual reality device designed primarily for video games, although it can be used for other purposes, such as military training, and on AR glasses and wristbands.

On Tuesday, they announced plans to create 10,000 jobs in the European Union over the next five years to help build this metaverse .
Zuckerberg has been talking about the “metaverse”  since July, and the unusual word, which first appeared in a dystopian novel 30 years ago, has also been mentioned by other technology companies, such as Microsoft .

It is about the SF novel Snow Crash by the American author Neal Stephenson .

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