Monday, July 8, 2024

A few benefits of watermelon


One of the sure signs that summer is coming soon, in addition to long and hot days, are watermelons.

Almost everyone loves them, especially when they are cold, because they are a real sweet refreshment.

Watermelons have significantly less sugar compared to other vegetables, and are also rich in vitamins A, C and E, minerals and antioxidants, writes Healthline.

Although we often say it is a fruit, it is actually a vegetable and belongs to the squash family.

Due to the nutrients it contains, it has numerous benefits for our health, which you can find out below.

1. Hydrates the skin

It’s no secret that watermelon contains a high concentration of water, which is why it has a refreshing effect on the body. In addition, vitamins E and C also have hydrating benefits. While vitamin E is known for its impressive moisturizing properties, vitamin C has been shown to reduce moisture loss at the same time. Simply put, vitamin E provides moisture, while vitamin C helps to “lock” it into the skin.

2. Good antioxidant

Watermelon is a good source of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, as well as compounds from the group of carotenoids-lycopene.

These powerful antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which can cause numerous harmful transformations.

3. Stimulates digestion

Watermelon has a high water content and also contains fiber. These nutrients help maintain gut health.

4. Relieves muscle inflammation

In a 2017 study, athletes drank two hours before running a half marathon – one pint of placebo juice, the other the same amount of L-citrulline-supplemented watermelon juice. Those who consumed the watermelon drink reported less muscle soreness 24-72 hours after the race.

5. It is good for heart health

The lycopene contained in watermelon can help stabilize blood pressure. It can also lower cholesterol and help keep our arteries healthy.

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