Monday, July 8, 2024

A combination of these foods cause extra pounds


The hardest part of creating a balanced diet is being able to combine foods with each other.

Some together turn into a real powerful couple and improve each other’s beneficial properties, and some, on the contrary, hinder the absorption of nutrients and can cause discomfort in the intestines and cause excess weight.

What food combinations should be avoided?

Bread and jam

Bread with fragrant jam sounds like the perfect breakfast, but nutritionists disagree. A double portion of carbohydrates, with an almost complete absence of protein and fat, will cause a spike in blood sugar, which will further increase appetite and significantly increase the risk of overeating. In addition, this combination of food is difficult to digest and can cause bloating and heaviness in the stomach.

Coffee and foods rich in iron

The polyphenols and tannins found in coffee prevent the body from absorbing iron. Lack of this element causes chronic fatigue and even heart problems. Coffee is rich in many beneficial acids and antioxidants at the same time, so it should not be rejected completely – just drink it separately from food.

Wine and dessert

Despite the fact that many restaurants have wines that are basically served with desserts, this combination is very harmful for digestion. In addition, the combination of alcohol and sugar causes a sudden rise in blood glucose levels, increases stress and leads to excess weight.

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